About Me
Hi, I’m Akemi Rogers and welcome to Mama Speaks Up. I’ve embarked on a new career as a writer and to hone my skills, I created this blog.
I’ve worn many hats over the years and though I’ve always had opinions, I usually didn’t share them unless asked, until now… On my blog you’ll find articles about family, relationships, health, business and more. These articles are based on my experience, research, and/or opinions written to entertain, amuse and occasionally enlighten.
If you’d like to comment on my blog articles, your constructive criticisms (flinch, flinch) and, of course compliments are appreciated. Really, I appreciate criticisms too. How else am I going to become a better writer?
If you’d like to share your opinions or experiences on these and similar topics or, maybe you have questions you’d like post get responses not only from me but from other readers, this is your place to Speak Up!